Not everyone thinks.

"Humans have an organ that helps them reflect, control actions and think; It is the brain. But, in some cases, the thinking functions does not work in a proper way. Want to know why?"

Well, well well.

If you are a recurrent internet user (and a subscriber of this newsletter) I am convinced you’ve heard about that weird term “self-improvement”.

A beautiful community that shares the same mindset; The art of progress, discipline and focus on oneself, without falling onto the most common generation’s “degenerate” and “average“99%” things, such as scrolling, not being productive, etc.

They call themselves, the “1%”, the small and VERY small part of the generation Z, that actually realised “The matrix’s” presence and the governments and educational system’s lies.

If someone tells them the actual truth; That they’re not actual the “1%” part, I’m sure they’d get way too mad, and get some “constructed” argumentations of why are they doing better than the 99.9% of the human population, just to inflate their egos and fill themselves with fake satisfaction pills.

Why aren’t they the 1%?

Fucking obvious.

Literally everyone knows about this “secret” “portal” to “success” (if they didn’t even realise or think deeply about the true meaning behind of “success”)

Why would they be 1% of the Gen Z population, if like 50% of it is into self-improving, and with a constantly increasing percentage?

They like feeling special: Oh yes I am better than anyone now just because I get up at 4am and do nothing but meditate and take ice showers.


I believe in healthy lifestyle, discipline, very hard work and sacrifice; But I dislike the term “self-improvement”.

Enough yapping about arrogant kids, let’s reflect on why NOT EVERYONE HAS THE CAPABILITY OF USING THEIR BRAINS.

In this world, we have the bad luck of coexisting with something positive, but at the same time negative thing, called technology.

The technology, the internet, the beautiful place that allows us to connect with each other.


Statistically, over the years, depression and misery has been constantly increasing, generation after generation.

Maybe its because of the technology itself, maybe because of the hyper-selfishness

No one knows.


An industry found out a way to “decrease” misery cases…

And they make, billions, trillions of profit each year.

Self-improvement industry.

Self-help best seller books in each library, tiktok motivational speeches, millions of emotional coaches that convince you that the problem is not you

And all this chaos

Just for the money.

They want to maximise your misery.

Not your happiness.

“Self-help best seller books in each library, tiktok motivational speeches, millions of emotional coaches that convince you that the problem is not you…”

Do you see it?

Courses that charge $400 per month, and convince you that you just have to be happy…

Oh, lord.

I will talk about happiness in the future, which is a very complex topic, and has too many small details to enter on.

Remember what I said earlier

Cases of misery and depression are boosting,

Which the self improvement industry found a solution to decrease them,

“Decrease” If it’s a term used only for referring to a “short term decrease…”

Coaches, influencers and gurus, telling young people HOW to live their lives in order to become “happy”.

“You must build THESE good habits, this exact routine, and blah, blah…”

So what do young people do? Follow them; They want happiness, they feel lost inside, without purposes nor life meanings, and without any reason to live… They don’t know how to live without just merely existing, so they follow these coaches.

These ill people follow the exact same orders the guru demands, they build a great healthy lifestyle, with same routine every single day; 5am, cold shower, work, train, study, repeat.

But oh, surprise, then the reality hits.

That lifestyle… Didn’t help.

They still feel emptiness… Hollow, inside of them.

“I’ve been building good habits, why is my life still missing a purpose and a meaning?”

Young fella, you’ve been scammed.

All this time you followed someone else’s orders, without reflecting on yourself if these orders will work on you or not, additionally, you’ve been just existing, not living.

“Funny is someone who dedicates their time to follow someone else’s path and dare themselves to call it a proper and logical life” - Me

Existing, but with a healthy existence.

People have lost the capability of thinking by themselves; ChatGPT now is the solution for all their doubts, thus of so many tools and social media trends that solve anything easily.

Making them believe any random gay-ass on social media.

And ruining their sense of life…

The self-improvement wants income,

Making that income by making YOU feel special

(Read previous newsletter) When you are NOT the only human,

This is what makes “Hyper-selfishness” fucking increase as it never done before.

“It’s only you VS you” “It’s your mind” “You fight this”

And all that bullshittery talked by coaches…

Funniest part is that these coaches don’t even give a fuck about you, you’re just a viewer, they are printing money while your ass is following their orders.

Escape the matrix

People must start reflecting on themselves, ask themselves questions so that they find out what the true meaning of life is.

There is no actual meaning; As each meaning lives within each one’s mind and way of thinking.

If you do not develop a proper life philosophy and way of thinking; Your seek for happiness will never be found.

But, if you turn off your phone a while, empty your ears from all the shit you’ve heard, and process all your situation basing yourself on casual logic + personal logic + critical thought, you shall find that appreciated “Happiness”.

Stop being blinded, stop existing, and just live

But huh, another contradictory nature, as I’ve just told you 7 seconds ago to not follow influencers. I don’t give a fuck, live your perspective as you want and as you can. As, few people are able to realise what thinking is, and how to do it properly, before the shadows come and brainwash your natural thought.

Stay hard.

-Samara Baazizi


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